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What Does the ARAS Executive Committee Do?
The Executive Committee is responsible for leadership of the ARAS organization. The curriculum for the national meeting is developed and implemented by the committee. The committee monitors the pulse of the ACGME, ABS and ACS and brings relevant topics to the national meeting to educate administrators for success in their roles.​
Serving on the committee is a fantastic opportunity to participate in exclusive events, share your vision and ideas, and take on new challenges that will help you grow as a leader.
​The ARAS Executive Committee is comprised of the following members:
President (1 year)
President-Elect (1 year)
Immediate Past President (1 year)
Secretary (2 years)
Membership (1 year)
Communications (4 years)
Professional Development (4 years)
Social (4 years)
Research (4 years)
Program (4 years)
Criteria for Applicants to the Executive Committee
ARAS member in good standing
Have attended at least three APDS/ARAS meetings
Written and financial support from your program director/chair
Attend all Executive Committee planning sessions (2 per year)
Be willing to host a planning meeting if elected President
New Executive Committee members cannot have served for the last 4 years
​Applicants should model professionalism. This includes, but is not limited to: promoting a positive learning environment, exhibiting good judgement, and demonstrating respectful behavior in response to those whom they serve. Applicant should also positively influence and promote a healthy work environment by consistently placing first the interest of other members and the organization as a whole.
​They should strive to guide and promote the success and advancement of the ARAS organization.